Published:2012-11-14 11:11:56    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Asiamold is one of the most important events for the industrial design and manufacturing industries in the region- Thr fair has become a focal point for some of the most highly reputable domestic and international mould makers to showcase the lastest solutions for moulds and dies. This year, the fair will play host to around 400 exhihitors from 15 countries and regions.Also the debut of the Japanese pavilion, co-organised by the INTFRMOLD development Association and the Japan Die&Mold Industry Asocciation. As well as the Hong Kong pavilion, organised by the HongKong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries, pavilions from Mainland China and Europe also return to the fair. Exhibitors showcase the latest advancements in mould-making technology and various applications for their solutions.

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